PYTHA V25 Melamine Ultraglaze Materials




This download is compatible with PYTHA V24 or V25 only, and contains:
  • 13 X Melamine Ultraglaze Material .jpg files ready to be used with PYTHA V24 or V25 to create .mat or .pymat files.


 These files are supplied in .jpg file format and have been rotated ready to use with the PYTHA Workshop Grain Direction function.


Please make sure to click here to read the manufacturing methods we have used to ensure they meet your drawing and machining requirements.



PYTHA Workshop and 3D Analyzer customers should take note of the need for part names and construction scripts to have naming conventions that support underscores. click here for further instruction.



The intellectual property depicted in these models including the brand names, is not affiliated with or endorsed by the original rights holders. 



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